We finished work at 5 am Thanksgiving morning, slept for 6 hours and woke up and went to a local restaurant for holiday buffet with about 40 other amazon.com workers.....kind of like being with family....at least with friends and people we know and work with.
Dinner was OK but not like our own homemade meal. So this weekend or next Jim and I will cook our own Thanksgiving dinner like old times, in the old days. It will have to be a small 10-12 pound turkey as that it all that will fit in our small 15 inch wide oven, but we'll have stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, asparagus, and mushrooms mixed with mushroom soup, cranberry sauce, homemade yeast rolls and pumpkin pie.
Jim went back to work Thanksgiving night for a mandatory 5th night of 11 hours, but he planned on coming home half way through at our "lunch" hour; however, they were kept till midnight. I couldn't do the overtime. At 67 years old I just couldn't do any more .... 44 hours in 4 nights is all I have to give. But we only have 16 more working days to go and then we'll be on our way to Arizona for the winter. Hopefully, we can leave here a couple of days before we are suppose to leave on Dec. 23; then we hope to go back to Alamosa for Christmas Eve and Christmas to be with Jim's brothers. Then we hope to go to Santa Fe and see the daughters for day after Christmas.
The money here at amazon.com is very good, especially $16.50 an hour for overtime; after the loss on the market the last year this money really helps the coffers. We have two more years to "work" until Jim turns 62 and can get onto social security then the daily grind won't be so hard. Our summer job is great and offers us a lot and next year we won't have to do amazon.com again. But it won't be so bad if we have to come back...after the first three weeks needed to harden our bodies it isn't so bad; you feel you really make a difference to a great company and you do feel appreciated. Us old folks make a difference with our work ethics; we may be a bit slower than the 20 year olds, but we are consistent and enduring. We show up for work every day and give good value for our pay. It's a win - win situation. The money we make here will carry us for the coming winter and spring - until we start our summer gig in April.
Oh, Thanksgiving Day also brought us our first great-grandchild - a girl named Amity Rayne Vigil; 5 pounds 15 ounces; 19 inches long and just beautiful, for sure!!! She'll be called Rayne, pronounced "Rain" and means "strength". Our grandson Maxx and his lady, April, are thrilled...Maxx is so proud and plans on being a fully involved Dad. They recently moved into a nice apartment complex. April is a trained pastry chef and Maxx works in an upscale restaurant in Santa Fe.

Now I have to get busy and finish up that baby quilt I made for them...the top is done, but it needs to be "sandwiched" and quilted.
Friday we went to Independence as Radio Shack advertised a Tomtom GPS XL330S, regular priced at $199 on sale for $99. Of course, they were sold out by the time we got there at 11 am, but then I remembered a Walmart tv ad that said they would match any Black Friday ad. So off we went and Jim got one there for the $99 sale price. I like it a lot as this model speaks aloud the street names. Then Tomtom's website is advertising a buy back if you buy a new GPS and with our old model we will get back $66, so we got a $199 product for $33 - not a bad deal.
Well, it's Sunday and we work tonight...happily we are back to ten hour shifts, so we'll get off at 4 am instead of 5am....that one hour makes a big difference to the body pain.
Remember, you are loved and cared for!!!