Monday, November 2, 2009

Second Week at

Only 26 days of work to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, we are counting them down every day when we drive to work.

After two weeks of overcast, rainy, dreary days yesterday was a welcomed change. It was 72 and sunny. The four of us celebrated by having barbeque steaks for "dinner" at 2 pm. Marie and Dave Dengate came over for a short visit. Marie's hands and carpal tunnel are acting up a lot and she is in pain...poor soul.

At when you start work and after lunch you have "stand up" which is meeting standing up. They tell you the last counts of product in, how many was processed, how many stowed, the picking numbers and how many are yet to be done. You also do exercises, bring up a safety tip each time, etc. Safety is a really big deal at, as it should be, and they are right on anything that compromises safety.

Well, last night at stand up a lady comes up to me and says "are you Bobbie Chapman?" Seems she has been following our blog and reads it every morning. I was flattered. She was the fourth or fifth person who has come up to us at amazon that told us they are following our blog. Maybe I should put a "hit counter" on the blog to see how many people are looking at it. Does anyone have a suggestion of a good "counter" to use?

I sure thank Carolyn Trout suggestion to get Girl Power or Get Toned shoes by Easy Spirit. Lesle and I both bought the Girl Power style with a very thick sole at an Easy Spirit Outlet store in Branson. My feet don't hurt at all! And that is saying something with the 10 hours of standing we do.

I'm really happy I switched from Stowing to Receiving. Yes, my back aches, but my hips are being punished with all the walking, climbing stairs, and reaching and stooping as I did with Stowing. Jim and I roll on the Bengay stuff and take two Doane's pills and tough it out.

Bill and Lesle are cooking pork ribs for dinner tonight. We're bringing over some potatoes and onions. You want to come over and join us?

Remember, you are loved.

1 comment:

I really enjoy reading comments so please take a moment and say HI or something so I know someone is reading this thing.