Long gone are the days of sleeveless blouses and capri pants. I put away the suntan lotion and bug repellant. The cold arrived and out comes the sweatshirts, fleece jackets and all my knitted hats and caps.
Remember the Tweety Bird hat I had? Well, one of the drivers tossed Jim a bag and said “this is for your wife’s collection”. It was a bear hat.

As I’ve mentioned Jim and I usually sit outside during the day to minimize the trips up and down our stairs. But it does get cold sitting outside so I added some additional coverage. It’s my ninja look……

Where we come from it can get mighty cold in the winter and we dealt with it. In fact, the last couple of weeks Alamosa, Colorado, has been experiencing frigid temps of –20 to –35 degrees. But here in south Texas I am freezing at +30 to +50 degrees. It has to do with the humidity. Alamosa has almost nil and here it is high. My face gets really cold sitting outside in the afternoons.
Now the wet has made an appearance so out came the umbrella, raincoats, and we had to cover the all the carpeting with runners to keep all the caliche mud off them.
It’s been raining for a couple of days here and the caliche dust gets slippery when walked on and you even sink into when you stand…wet caliche has been known to take the shoes right off you and you end up stepping in that muck in socking feet!
We have to carry the pups out to do their business, carry them back in and directly into a sink of water to clean off their feet. They do NOT like going out in the rain and sinking down in the mud.
There’s little pebbles of dry caliche mud all over the place. We vacuum the rug a lot and shake out the runners daily. The pups bring bits to bed with them and I sweep off the sheets before going to bed.
Having a micro recorder has been a big help (again, thank you Rita and Jerry for that suggestion). That way we go outside and record all the information and come back in and write it on the form. We don’t have to be hassled with trying to write something down in the rain.
They are predicting a few more days of rain so we’ll be battling the mud for a little while longer. Happily one of the vendors out here has been buying lunch and dinner for his guys and making sure we get our share as well. So we haven’t had to cook much. These drilling rig workers work very hard and are partial to barbecue and steaks. Poor Jim has had steak three times this week…….he’s not complaining. Last night it was seafood so we shared oysters, shrimp, stuffed crab, onion rings, fries, hush puppies and salad. I was happy!
Jim is off to Pleasanton to have lunch with Jim Mossman. They meet once a week and that is so nice to see friends out here. Friday I go in and have lunch with Linda and a little “girl time”.
Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying HERE