Last Wednesday The Mossmans drove us around Yuma to get acquainted with the area. They showed us Mitry Road where Boomers often stay. It’s on the water and pretty, but I prefer Sidewinder Road.
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Then we drove to Imperial Date Garden as I love dates and it was on my list when visiting Yuma. The cacti are in front of the main building of the gardens. I’d like to return and take the tour and see how the dates are gathered and processed. Back in Colorado I paid $5.99 a pound for these dates and here the same size was $3.00
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Yuma is in the middle of the harvest season with several types of lettuce being grown. You drive and see green acres everywhere.
There are flowers, green grass and palm trees everywhere. It is so nice to see in the middle of winter everywhere else. It has been in the mid-70s every day, sun shining and just wonderful. We sure picked the right part of the country to stay for the winter this year!!! Everywhere else they are suffering from terrible cold, storms and snow.
Later in the day we did go the Wednesday matinee in town and saw Blind Side with Sandra Bullock. Oh, we laughed so much; such good one-liners. Sandra Bullock’s character was such a strong personality and one I really liked. I think I’ll read the book by Michael Lewis that the movie was made from.
Out here on Sidewinder Road (actually in California) there aren’t too many people. One of the people in a rig flies a large model airplane every evening. The guy is very talented and does many trick maneuvers….fun to watch.
The other morning here comes two ultra-lights making passes over our rigs. Very pretty!
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We have been hearing helicopters throughout the night. There are always two or three at a time, flying without search lights, so they may be using night-vision equipment to check for people crossing over the border.
We were surprised to see that they still have agriculture check stations off he major freeways into California. I remember seeing them 35 years ago when I visited Yuma from San Diego where I lived. Then they were looking for fruits and vegetables that might bring in insects that could adversely affect the California crops. Now I don’t why they still have the these stations. They don’t even stop you but wave you through. Must be more Homeland Security stuff.
Here is another of our wonderful sunsets. That’s especially for you Joyce!!!