Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Using a Signal Booster

Texas is AT&T country and not very friendly to us Verizon users.  We can text with our phones but can’t use our phones for voice calls and can’t get enough bars to use our MiFi.  The Mossman’s bought a Wilson Signal Boost DT and were able to get a good signal for both their phones and MiFi.  So yesterday after having lunch with Linda I went to Ronnie’s Computer Service in Pleasanton and also bought one.

While I slept today Jim set up the booster.  Well, I am on the internet but I’m not so sure this booster is going to work for us.  It won’t power our MiFi so I’m using Jim’s smart phone as a hotspot and am getting online with his phone.  Not perfect.  I’m thinking of returning this booster and getting Wilson’s DB Pro 65 multi-directional booster instead. It’s the aiming of the outside antenna that is a pain to line up correctly to the closest tower, so with a multi-directional antenna it does it for you….I hope.  But for right now I’m able to get online and publish a blog post.

Linda and Jim Mossman are about 70 miles away from us, so when Linda texted me Sunday to see if I’d like to meet her for lunch in Pleasanton Monday I jumped at the chance.  I woke up early so I went in at 10 a.m. and got the truck’s oil changed, got Jim’s prescriptions and did my shopping done. About noon I met Linda at the laundromat and we got that stuff done. Lunch was at Chili’s with a good visit lasting an hour and a half.  By the time I spent time getting the signal booster and drove home it was after 5 p.m. 

That made for a long day and then I still had 10 hours to go on “my watch” before I could go to bed. But it is an easy, easy gate for us.  We don’t have to write down anyone’s information and only have to be available for directions and wave to the trucks as they pass by going in and out.  I spend a lot of time watching TV at night, knit and play games on the computer. 

Jim has it rough as he has to be outside in the heat during the day.  I do “spell” him after I wake up at 11 a.m. (Jim comes “on duty” at 3 a.m.) and let him to inside in the air conditioning to cool off. It’s still warm here in south Texas so we are keeping on the a/c most of the time during the day.

It’s working…we’re doing fine…glad to be back online!!!!!!

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying HERE


  1. Hey Bobbie,
    Good to hear from you. Very chilly here in VA. Here is a site I had bookmarked with testing of boosters...maybe there is a snippet of info that would be useful.

    Hugs to you both !

  2. Glad to hear about your adventures with Linda and about the antenna Booster. Sure liked the earings the 2 of you created a while back. Sening hugs! J&C

  3. I am glad that you are getting your phone and internet woos worked out. I bought a Wilson amplifier for when I am in Fun Valley. It worked a year ago but this last summer, not so well.

    I am in Houston now and set up for the forseeable future. I don't know how long I will stay this year.


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