Monday, July 23, 2012

South Fork Logger Days

This last weekend we had Logger Days here in South Fork.  There are various logging competitions you can view and there is a small arts and crafts fair.

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An interesting exhibit was a wood carver using a chain saw.  Here you can see him on the right side under the tent starting a new piece.


Here are some of his pieces …. quite extraordinary! Very talented artist.



I walked around and bought some earrings and a really good kitchen knife.  I was looking for kettle corn, but there wasn’t a vendor there.  I was tempted by the Navajo Bread Tacos, but I resisted as I’m not suppose to have carbs on this nutritional diet I’m on.

After being home for the afternoon, up pops Heinz and Angela who always go to Logger Days every year.  So we visited, had dinner and enjoyed a campfire together.


It was a nice day with a lot of enjoyment!

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying here


  1. How fun. I remember that Logger Days was just starting when we left up there 3 years ago. Geesh has it really been that long? Have fun!

  2. Those wood carvings are amazing!

  3. butterbean carpenterJuly 25, 2012 at 8:35 AM

    Howdy B&J,
    So glad most of the fires are out and they didn't get close to y'all!!! IF we ever get up there, I want to come when the Logger Days is going on' I admire those chain-saw artists.. It amazes me how they do the minute details with a chain-saw!!!

    That pic of you is TOO MUCH; with your mouth open, so shocked!!!

    Just remember, y'all are too, also!!!

    J(oyce)& b(utterbean)

    pms: We'll get there SOMEDAY!! MAYBE!!!


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