Friday, April 24, 2009

Dinner with friends

Jim was the thorn between four roses last Thursday night as we went to a friend's Pueblo home for dinner. Here is Jean, Carolyn and our host Judy.

I met Jean seven years ago when I visited Leadville, Colorado, for a workshop and Judy suggest I contact her friend. (I remember it was seven years ago because it was the same week I had my nose pierced. Oh, you didn't know about my nose ring?) Jean was the high school librarian in Leadville, the same place Judy and her late husband, Dick, also worked. Jean moved from Leadville to Pueblo just recently. She is a fun lady to be around.

I met Carolyn at church where she played the piano and I sang some solos. We became BFFs and have been for 26 years. We have gone through many life crises together. She lives in Colorado Springs now and graciously drove down to Pueblo.

We also met Judy and her late husband, Dick, at church. She has been school counselor, principal, assistant superintendent, coordinator of teacher ed graduate program for Adam State College, and trained life coach. We have spent many a night eating out and playing Trivial Pursuit with Judy and Dick.

Judy was a wonderful host and even remembered I love pickled herring, which she served along with guacamole.We had a wonderful Italian casserole dinner, salad and bread....but also the little nice touches of large gourmet olives and a plate of olive oil with slivered garlic to dip our bread in.

We remembered old times together, caught up on the lives of mutual friends and discussed current happenings in our lives. It was such a nice evening - so enjoyable.

Remember - you are loved.

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