A week ago Sunday we went to Golden Corral for breakfast, stopped at Mesa Regal Office to pay our electricity, sewer and water bill and headed out of Mesa, Arizona about 10 a.m.
We had an uneventful drive to Tucson and settled in at one of our favorite spots, Snider Hill, BLM land out on Old Ajo Way and San Joaquin Road. We’ve been here 3-4 times as it is very convenient to Tucson. I remember one Easter we spent here with Howie and Norah Glover and Mike and Sandy Bubar. We closed down the street below from off-road bikers and we all served a big ham dinner to a group of vets that stayed there all winter….can’t do that anymore as they very strictly enforce the 14-day rule. But we had a great feast with Les the Cowboy Poet, Professor Jim, No Slide Clyde, Ed, Electric Ed and Special Ed….good memories.

Monday morning we fought a little bit of traffic but got to Carl’s RV on time to have the axels aligned on the rig, as we’ve been wearing tires. We’ve been to Carl’s RV twice before and really liked the work he did for us. Kind people also.

We got Marty turned on to them and he finally solved his tire wear problem also.
We left Carl’s RV about 11:00 and headed out to Dream Catcher Escapees RV Park in Deming, NM. We’ve stayed here many times over the years and although not a particularly pretty park, it is serviceable for our needs and is a good stopping place…plus it is close to The Pink Store over the border and is also the home of Peppers, a really good grocery store with homemade tortillas.
On Facebook we found out Molly and Bob Pinner were coming in the next day so we decided to stay over an extra day to see them. The Pinners are also members of Escapees RV Club’s Class of 2007 (those who “graduated” to fulltime RVing in 2007), but we haven’t seen them since 2009. Wanda and Wallace Lewis were also in the park, so we all got together for a little Maple Crown Royal.
The Pinners | The Lewises |
We all went out to Adobe Deli for dinner. Although it is nine miles out of town in the middle of absolutely NOTHING, and occupies a former elementary school, it was FABULOUS!!! It’s a weird and wacky place with delicious food. I’ll write a whole separate blog post on that evening tomorrow.
Wednesday morning we left Deming and drove into Texas, stopping at are normal overnight spot at Saddleback Mountain RV Park in Balmorhea. It is a Passport America park, but we saw they were pretty full when we arrived. Yup, we were told there wasn’t any vacancies since all of their sites are now monthly rentals for oilfield workers. Big oil drilling boom from here up to Pecos. We were tired so we just stayed in their large parking lot and didn’t even put out the slides or unhook.
Thursday we took off early and made a beeline to Hondo, Texas staying at Lone Star Escapees RV Park. We asked and were allowed to stay on Jim and Linda Mossman’s lot, which we really enjoyed.

One night there and then Friday we drove a whole 90 miles down to a spot in the road to Whitsett where the yard for Gate Guard Services is located. That’s one huge state flag they have flying.
As soon as we got set up we drove out to see Jim and Linda Mossman who were on a gate about five miles away. We haven’t seen them since March and there sure was a lot of hugs, kisses and laughter that night. Jim M. cooked a succulent pork roast with all the fixings for us.

Ironically, the next day, just before we were going to go visit again, Jim M. called to say they had just been released from that gate because all the equipment had been removed and gate closed. So the last few days we have been able to bum around together. It has been so sweet to be with them again.
We are sitting in the company yard lot along with The Mossmans both waiting for gates. Usually it doesn’t take more than a week to get assigned a gate. We bought the required navy blue work pants back in Mesa and Friday we bought the required GGS (Gate Guard Services) shirts, so we are all set. From their office we picked up a clipboard, log in pads, safety vests and company hats and are all ready to go to work….just need a gate.
That’s it….I’ve finally caught up on the blog…sorry it has taken me so long….I’m getting lazy. I’ll tell you about Adobe Deli next cause you are going to love it.
Remember, you are loved.