Saturday, June 22, 2013

South Fork on Fire

Some of you have asked for info on the West Fork Complex wildfire that is taking place in the South Fork-Creede area.  So far 66,200 acres have burned.  There is “zero” containment.

These were taken from Del Norte driving towards South Fork last Thursday.



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Sad news…..Big Meadows Campground is gone…both sides of the reservoir got burned. That is really sad as Big Meadows finally got opened this summer after being closed for renovations for three years. 

Also Rio Grande Reservoir area outside of Creede got “eaten up” and the wildfire is racing towards 30 Mile and River Hill Campgrounds.

So far the town of South Fork is still intact.  The fire is still 2-3 miles southwest.  Also Wolf Creek Ski Lodge is still OK with the fire being held back 1/4 mile away from the Pagosa Springs side.

There will be another day of Red Flag warnings tomorrow.  The winds also keep changing directions several times during the day, which doesn’t help the situation a bit.

South Fork was evacuated Friday morning.  The road is blocked off at Ute Bluff RV Park about three miles from South Fork on Hwy 160.  There are 32 engines around South Fork keeping vigil.

I’ll keep you informed.  Click here If you want to see a map of the burn area.

Pray for South Fork……

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Portuguese Knitting

There is a new trend in the knitting community for Portuguese knitting where you put the yarn around your neck or over a pin on your shoulder.  Andrea Wong wrote a book and produced a DVD about it, but I learned how to do it from watching a video.

Here I am using a pin I had made at Coloring Outside the Lines Bead Store in Monte Vista, Colorado.

Portuguese Knitting

Portuguese knitting is a lot easier on your hands and wrists as you only have to use your thumb to flick the yarn over the needle.  The yarn over the pin on your shoulder creates the correct tension.

My buddy, Salai, helped me figure out how to configure a pin using a couple of pins I already owned.  We needed to get a hook below the pin so we used a fishing swivel and a earring hook.  The yarn threads through the hook.

Portuguese Knitting Pins (3)                      Portuguese Knitting Pins (5)

There are a few pins available online but the knitting group, Fiber Floozies, that meet at Alamosa Public Library, had their pins made at Coloring Outside the Lines, so that’s where I went to get my pins.  Here’s a couple I had made.  They are about three inches long.  I like the fancy hook at the bottom.  The yarn feeds through the hook part nice and even.

Portuguese Knitting Pins (4)         Portuguese Knitting Pins (7)

I really like knitting using the Portuguese knitting style because I can knit longer without pain in my hands and wrists….arthritis you know.

Remember, you are loved.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father’s Day 2013

We spent a nice Father’s Day this year.  We usually take Sunday as our day off but since we only worked half a day Saturday with the Two Lindas visiting, we worked half a day yesterday visiting two more campgrounds. 

We took the afternoon off watching a Rockies game, part of NASCAR and watched a seldom seen thunderstorm as it passed through.   Soon the sun was shining and luckily there wasn’t any wind, so we decided to have our dinner outside.

We finally figured out how to use the timer on our camera…only had it five years and finally learned how to use it Smile


Jim cooked his steak and lobster


and I got my crab legs


our table was set and ready to eat….but, of course, I had to take a picture of our food laid out


Our daughters shared their sentiments towards Jim on Facebook and he received phone calls, so the day was complete.

Remember, you are loved…always and always.

Two Linda Times Three

We feel so fortunate to be able to see The Two Lindas three times this summer.  They stayed two days with us in Alamosa – we drove down to Silverthorne and saw them last Saturday – a week later they came up to see us, day before yesterday.

Linda S. called and said they wanted to take a bike (motorcycle) ride and were we available.  We are always available for friends…one of my themes of life is “people are more important than things”. CIMG3105

So we stopped visiting nearby campgrounds and took a half a day off and welcomed our friends.


We drove them to lunch in Grand Lake, which is a cute ski town six miles up the road.  I think Grand Lake has a covenant for wood siding because all the buildings look like they are made out of logs or have wood siding.  There are lots of diverse restaurants, gift shops and boutiques.

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We had lunch at Cy’s Deli because they had a large selection of sandwiches.  I had the Hardy Arti with sun dried tomato pesto, lots of artichokes and smokey mozzarella cheese…yum! Jim and Linda B. had pulled pork and Linda S. a turkey avocado.  We were all happy with our choices.

Cy's Deli Grand Lake  We drove them through a few of the campgrounds and soon it was time for them to return to Breckenridge… an hour and a half drive.

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We look forward to seeing them on the road once again.

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying HERE

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tiger Run Resort

After visiting Frisco last Saturday, The Two Lindas led us to Tiger Run Resort in Breckenridge where they are staying and working.

Here’s a beautiful view of the mountains the park sees.


This is a very high end RV park with a lot of park models all sided to look like log cabins.

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There are some sites for regular RVs



but most are Newell and Provost…loved the pretty paint jobs and graphics

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The RV lots provide large cement slabs, nicely landscaped with storage area.  Lots are in the six figures.


We visited The Two Lindas rig and said goodbye


Here’s a street view in the park…great views of the mountains also


Saw some pretty scenery as we drove back to Silverthorne.


Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind this saying HERE

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Travel to Meet Friends

Fulltime RVers think nothing of traveling 200 miles or three hour drive to meet another fulltimer friend for lunch….it is considered “do-able”.  We have done it many times with fellow fulltimers who were traveling near us…right Tumolo’s?

We made arrangements to meet the Two Lindas  while they were in Breckenridge.  Saturday at Silverthorne’s Target was the meeting place – about a half hour drive for them and hour and a half for us.  Then we got a call from Heinz that he and his wife, Angela, were in Wheatridge up from Alamosa and wanted to come see us.  Come on over to Silverthorne and meet The Lindas.


When we walked into Target we saw Heinz and Angela walking down the main aisle.  I had to take a photo because every other photo I have of them in the last six years have ALL been taken sitting on our couch in our rig.  So here they are in a different setting.

Soon The Lindas arrived also and we took two vehicles and drove through Dillon and onto Frisco.  What a pretty, pretty drive.  The views of the mountains were stunning!!!


On the way to Frisco we stopped at Dillon Lake to take of photo of us all.  I think it came out real nice.



Frisco is a cute little town. Yes, it is “touristy” but it is subtle and in good taste. 

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We all walked around town and ducked in and out of shops to check out their wares.

Frisco, CO

The Lindas had already scouted out a place to eat and decided on The Lost Cajun.  That was perfect for us as we love Cajun food and were missing Betty’s RV Park in Abbeville, Louisiana, and the music jam sessions of Touchet’s and the Museum Café.


Oh, we had a good time!!! The place plays Zydeco and Cajun music…the walls are covered with Cajun themed paintings and photos of Louisiana.



The restaurant provides a sample tray with small cups with some of their menu items…red beans, crawfish etoufee, seafood gumbo, etc.  It is a good idea to familiarize folks with Cajun food.



CIMG2934After we ordered an employee came around and “baptised” us by hanging Mardi Gras beads around our necks.






They also passed out funny hats, which looked the best on Heinz.






Sorry that I have been so neglectful in posting photos of food….which I know you all love to see…maybe not….I know Jim has been relieved that he can actually eat his food when it is served and not have to wait while I snap pictures….but he had to wait this time.

Heinz’s shrimp platter and Louisiana’s Abita beer
The Lindas and Angela had the shrimp and catfish basket
My catfish glazed with crawfish etoufee over rice served traditionally with potato salad
Jim’s shrimp and catfish platter with slaw and french bread

Of course we had to have beignets.  In the photo you can hardly see the beignets with all the powdered sugar on top.  They were sure good!!!

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Later we walked a around the historic museum park with restored cabins and a jail.

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Later we drove to Breckenridge to visit Tiger Run RV Resort where The Lindas are staying and working….they work for AGS/TXAD selling advertising for the map pamphlets you get at RV parks….very successfully I might add.  But, hay, it is time to “go to work” so I’ll write about that next time.

Oh, you can read The Lindas account of our visit together at the end of their blog post “ Weekends Are for Friends and Fun”.

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind this saying HERE