Our time here in Mesa is coming to an end….we leave here Sunday, day after tomorrow. That being said, I need to have a “wrap up” blog post to get in all the things we did last week.
The day after going to the Hall of Flame we met Mike and Sandy Bubar Tuesday at Baby Kay’s Cajun Kitchen here in Mesa. The Bubars recently were at Betty’s RV Park in Abbeville, Louisiana (our absolutely favorite RV park). We haven’t eaten any Cajun food since last March so we agreed with their choice. The food was pretty authentic, but still not as good as Shucks, Bon Creole, Villager or DuPuys in the Abbeville neck of the woods. We all had the shrimp po’boy and seafood gumbo with homemade potato chips. Very tasty.
Wednesday we invited the folks over from the neighboring three RVs for one of Jim’s now famous bacon-wrapped, corn bread stuffed pork tenderloin. The weather has been sooo nice and we were able to everyone outside.

As usual, Jim’s cooking ability shined through as seen by the finished product. It was a hit.
Thursday we drove to Casa Grande with the Bubars to see four other members of the Escapees RV Club’s Class 2007 (folks who went fulltime rving in 2007). Trish Schmidt and Dave and Kathy Bennett have bought lots there and Marty Cassidy has been visiting there…time for a mini reunion of sorts. Oh, it was lovely, just lovely to see them all again.

We went to Café de Manuel in town and had a delicious lunch together.

We had such a wonderful time together and it was so enjoyable…especially Dave and I bantering back and forth.
Friday Jim and I drove to University of Phoenix Stadium to check out the RV show. We didn’t know they were all from La Mesa RV and that there weren’t any used rigs as was advertised. But it did give us a chance to see inside the stadium where the Cardinals play.
The neatest thing was going outside to look at some rigs and there was the football field sod/grass outside getting some sun and being watered. What a sight you don’t get to see every day!!! It gets rolled in and out on rails throughout the stadium floor.

Saturday we had The Harpers and new friends, The Hewetts over for a fajita lunch…Kenny Harper wanted to see how to use the disco Teddy Abeyta gave me for a past birthday.

These next photos I swiped from The Harpers blog RV Life is Good cause I forgot to take any photos.
Well that has been our week. More tomorrow about Thanksgiving.
Remember, you are loved.