Monday, May 25, 2009
Still alive
We are doing fine...had a lot of work to do to get ready for the opening of our campgrounds, but we had 32 of our 53 sites filled for opening day, last Friday, so that was good. We've been busy sorting through old paperwork, boxes and boxes of old uniforms and torn signs, but it's all cleaned up and organized now. That definitely makes me feel better.
It has been raining for 5 straight days and it is getting pretty depressing. I want to get out and walk and visit campers. I completely adorn sitting outside under the awning and knitting, reading and chatting with folks.
I'll try to upload some photos next time....promise.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Doing Fine
Well, we're almost ready. Our camphosts will arrive this weekend and Monday we start cleaning the seven campgrounds together. That should build a team spirit for the summer.
We've had three camphost back out for one reason or the other, so we'll do with what we have and double up on the campgrounds. It will all work!
We only have snow still in one campground at Tucker Ponds so that one will have to wait to be opened for a couple of weeks.
This is the view out our dining area window early in the morning. Isn't that pretty? Yes, Jim and I are still waking up at 4-6 am. We've done it all our lives and can't seem to change things.
I'm trying to get use to being in high altitude again. It's 8200 feet here in South Fork and will be 9200 when we move up to Big Meadows, so the heart is pumping a bit harder here than in Florida. It's pretty hard to beat waking up to the birds singing in the Ponderosa pine trees. Then you go outside and hear the Beaver Creek roaring nearby full from the spring runoff. It is nice to be home in the mountains!!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Santa Fe and Sand Dunes
That sand you see are the sand dune. They are 750 feet high at the highest point and are the tallest sand dunes in the United States. It is wonderful to see the changes the dunes make one day to the next with the shifting sands. The Great Sand Dunes is the nation's newest national park, enacted in 2004, and it is right here in our backyard. It's a great place to visit and we get visitors from all over the world, especially from German and Japan.
We all went out to the Oasis Restaurant just outside the park for lunch and of course, had to finish off our lunch with some of Diane Vittoria's fabulous pies. Jim had apple, Marie had mixed berry and Dave and I had the brownie chocolate pie. Oh, my goodness, such wonderfulness. Yea, yea, tomorrow starts the diet!
Last year a bunch of us Escapee Boomers camped together at the Sand Dunes and the we had a Ladies Day Out and we went for pie at the Oasis while the guys went four-wheeling up Medano Pass. The pie was as good this year as it was last year.
Well, folks, that is it for today. We are off to the mountains this afternoon to start our summer job. Our camphosts will arrive May 18 and the campgrounds open May 22 for Memorial Day weekend.
If any of you are in the southern Colorado area give us a jingle and come up and see us. We'll be in the South Fork area till Sept 10th.
Remember, you are loved.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009
Gentleman Farmer
Fred had some miniature animals when he lived next door to us and before he retired. He also raised very different chickens each year. There were a few turkeys and geese throughout the years also.
Fred was also in a band made up of several teachers, a doctor, and businessmen. The band's name was Luck LaRue and they made several CDs. The band practiced a lot of times at Fred and Laurie's and we'd take our chairs across the lawn and sit in their driveway and listen to them practice in the garage.
It was always very entertaining to live next door to Fred and Laurie!!!
So Wednesday night Fred invited us over for dinner and we got a chance to drive around their property on 4-wheelers and see all the improvements Fred has made during the last year. He has mowed down a lot of weeds and with the winter snow melt, there is an expanse of pasture land now available. There are several new pens and corrals for his ever increasing menagerie of animals. I have never seen miniature cows or sheep before, but Fred has them. Take a look at the photos I took. Click on the button on the lower left-hand corner to start the slideshow.
The steak dinner was great but better still the time together with old friends. Hopefully Fred and Laurie will come camp with us at Big Meadows this summer. Make sure you bring your guitar, Fred, and we'll have ourselves a good, ole sing-a-long!
Remember, you are loved.
Knitted Sweater
Tomorrow my friend Salai and I are going to Walsenburg - an hours drive east and will spend the day at Etla's Yarn Shoppe just knitting around the table. Etla's husband runs the coffee shop next door, so we are set. Give me soft yarn and a latte and I'm good to go. Really looking forward to be knitting with other people!
I put in our paperwork to return to to work Oct - Dec. There is a new rv park that was just built, right across the street from the fulfillment center. So we made tentative reservations to park there for our stay. The best park about that is there will be laundry facilities on premises and also a commons area for folks to use. That will be nice for get togethers and maybe potlucks, coffee, etc. It will sure bring all of us closer together.
Weather here has been wonderful the last couple of days - in the high 70s with clear blue skies. And being at 7,500 feet elevation the night skies are blazing with stars at night; really gorgeous. We grilled salmon last night and tonight it will be barbeque chicken. Love the good weather when we can grill every night.
Remember, you are loved!