Thursday, April 23, 2009

Family revisit

It has been blissfully warm the last three days here in Pueblo, with temperatures in the mid 80s. I am so very happy about that as it's time to get my tan going for the summer and I can wear Bermuda shorts again. Nice to feel the breeze coming through open doors and windows.

Yesterday I finished the second Magie Sefton book in two days. Oh, it is so nice without any radio or TV on and just the silence to read for hours on end without interruption. Puppies slept the whole time. It was grand!

This was Jim's second day of class and he was fried by the time he came home. Eight hours of sit down, in the chair classroom lectures on water tank capacity, flow rates per foot by size of pipe, measures dah, dah, dah. Jim is very good in math and figuring.....doesn't even use a calculate - just does it in his head. However, the math needed for this class is taking him aback. He says it isn't even trying to remember algebra, it's more like new math algebra. Luckily, he doesn't have to take the test this year, but will next year, so we'll have to get him a book or something to bone up with during the year in preparation. Any have any book suggestions?

Last night we had a delightful evening over dinner with Jim's cousins, Larry and Etta Sue. They were sweet to drive down from Colorado Springs to meet us for dinner.

We haven't seen them since last summer. They are both very active in Friendship Force, where you travel to other places and countries and stay in Friendship Force member homes and then reciprocate by hosting folks in your home. It is a great way to see a lot of places without the expense of housing, and you have built-in tourist guides. Larry and Etta Sue have been all over the world with Friendship Force throughout the years.

We had a grand time telling them about our travels this year and antics about our job with It was a very, very pleasant evening!

Remember, you are loved.

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