We went to Tucson a couple of days early and stayed out at Snyder Hill BLM Land off of I-10 and I-19. Tony and Pam were already there with the Allgires, Bubars and Glovers on their way. We all went on the road in 2007 and have seen each other throughout the years.
This is only the second Escapees RV Club Escapade we have attended. The first time was in 2007, the first year we were on the road, and we had a lot to learn. This time we came to meet new friends and reacquaint with old ones.
We volunteered to be on the Parking Crew. We arrived three days early and got set up and received our assignments. Being the desert the mornings were cold. Luckily I brought my long underwear!
 7 a.m.waiting to work |  Going to assignments |  Acting up for the camera |
We parked cars Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then we were done! The numbers for this Escapade exceeded every Escapade since 2006. There were 851 rigs registered, with another 92 parked in nearby parks. Walk-ins exceeded 700!!! This supports the decision to have Escapades in the west….the numbers are in Arizona. March is the perfect time as it is warm and before folks leave for the summer.
 Before all RVs were parked
|  Boondocking area
We attended classes by Nick Russell and Geeks on Tour, along with the evening entertainment. The large meeting hall was a good venue and the large side screens were very helpful.

It was so wonderful to have Kay Peterson in attendance. She is still a witty spitfire….her jokes were real gems!
We enjoyed a staff dinner at the on-grounds restaurant. We had snacks, complimentary drinks and dinner; very nice.

We also had a happy hour for Class of 2007 attendees. Sooo good to see everyone. Click on photo to enlarge.

Paul Everet RV Sales had an RV show for us on property. They also hosted a happy hour most days. This one was held in the Beer Garden. They had snacks, beer, wine and bloody Marys.

Molly and Bob Pinner do a WONDERFUL job as Escapade Directors. Here they are enjoying a drink after the closing ceremonies. Their work was almost done.

Everything from the outside looked like a very organized, smooth operation, no hitches. Any bumps were addressed to immediately and any concerns taken care of diplomatically. The Pinners are a great team and excellent Escapade Directors.

Escapade ended Thursday night with most folks leaving Friday. We stuck around as the Class of 2007 had a dinner at Hot Rods Bar and Grill on Saturday at nearby Vail.

It was sooo good to see some of the classmates we hadn’t seen since our reunion in 2012, especially Fay and Joe and Marcia. They looked so good.
Besides being a good restaurant and bar……

it is also a working hot rod and bike garage below that you can watch from the restaurant and they gave our group a tour.
There were about 50 people from the Class of 2007 and adoptees who attended. Click image to enlarge.

It was a good two weeks which we really, really enjoyed. Next Escapade is in Vermont, July 2016. Should be a super venue and a great time.
Remember, you are loved.