Saturday, October 31, 2009
New Friends and Joplin
We munched on burgers and sandwiches and it was pretty good. Lannings is one of only a few independent restaurants available and it is frequented by locals. We had a good time "introducing" ourselves and telling our story of becoming fulltimers. Monica works the same shift we do and the Albers work days on the "donut" shift - Monday, Tuesday, off Wednesday and work Thursday and Friday, thus it is called the "donut" shift.
Today we took off for Joplin to return the XM radio boombox we bought last week. It was nice to just get out of Coffeyville for the day. After returning it we stopped and ate at Ryan's Buffet and I savored their pulled pork and fried chicken.....they do them very well.
Now it is just lazing around, napping and enjoying a sunny day. Got a call from Larry and Claudia King who work for amazon last year. They are on their way in from Joplin and called to see if there were any spots opened here in Heritage....sadly there isn't, so they will have to go to Walter Johnson. Spots are getting hard to find now.
Jim walked the dogs and heard one of the amazon folks say that he was told last night that Stowers were going to go to mandatory five day weeks - hopefully it will only be ten hour days. The week after that we are suppose to go to eleven hour shifts in In-Bound.....they will have some problems if they impose mandatory 55 hour weeks.....I can't do it, I know! Overtime money would be good but-t-t-t-t....the body can only do so much at my age. I'll let you know.
Remember, you are loved.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Amazon First Week Done
I need to look up lower back exercises on the internet to help strengthen them and also to warm them up and stretch them out before I work. Any body have any suggestions?
Yesterday we went to Walmart to buy a bigger lunch box, Doane's pills and some roll on Bengay stuff. Also bought a clear plastic cosmetic style bag to use to carry box knife, work gloves, small Purell and lip balm. Anything on the floor has to be in a see through type bag or purse for theft prevention.
Yesterday was "Slug Day", our first day off of three. You don't do much, just be a "slug" and move slowly and recover from the hard four day week. Then today is "Back to Human Day" where you are feeling pretty good and do the laundry and grocery shop and run errands. Then tomorrow is designated "Tourist and Travel Day" where we will travel to Tulsa or Bartlesville, OK or venture to Joplin, MO as they are all within 75 miles from here.
Tomorrow we will go to Joplin to return the docking console we bought for the XM radio last week. We found out it was the XM radio itself that was bad and our boombox was fine, so replacing the radio made everything work OK.
Now we are dealing with getting our DISH satellite tv to work. After three hours of working with a independent technician and numerous calls to DISH technical support and hours of frustration we made an appointment with an authorized technician to come out next Monday and finally get us hooked up. We have been able to get CBS on the antenna in the bedroom tv but that is all. With working nights we are missing a lot of our favorite shows - like Dancing with the Stars, but that is the choice we made. But I would like to be able to watch tv in the living room, while lounging in the recliner instead of sitting up in bed to watch tv.
I need to go do laundry today and then tonight we will be having dinner with "yet unmet" friends at Hog Heaven. Jeanne and Jack Albers are friends of Rick and Terry Travers and all have lots at Saguro RV Park in Benson, AZ. When Rick found out the Albers were also coming to work at here in Coffeyville, Kansas, he emailed us. So Jeanne and I have emailed each other a few times and are going to finally meet for dinner tonight....that will be fun as the Albers first lived on a sail boat for many years and traveled and now are fulltime rvers. They will have many interesting tales to share.
That's the best part of this fulltiming lifestyle - meeting all these interesting people! Yes, seeing all the different places and sights is wonderful and exciting, but it's the PEOPLE you meet along the way that makes it all worthwhile. We are such a diverse group of nomads who band together like one gypsy family meeting and caring for another gypsy family you meet along the road. We have sometime been to the same places and seen the same sights, but mostly we hear about new places and things to do and see from fellow rvers. We have much in common besides being fulltime rvers - we are knitters, grandparents, NASA car fans, restaurant eater outers, snowbirds or move every two weeks, some workamp, some don't need to. There are many levels in which we connect and find common ground. You get to KNOW people in this lifestyle. There is no such thing as living next to someone for a period of time and not meeting them or knowing them like in a stick and brick house. You know your neighbors when you live this lifestyle.
Well, off my soapbox and onto laundry. Remember, you are loved!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Stow School
Jim and Lesle had been thrown into Stowing at the end of last season and they floundered around and in some cases very frustrated. But we all took the school last night and it was very accurate and informative. Some of the scanner tools have been changed and much easier to use.
Our shift that was designated for In-Bound are all Stowing for the first two weeks or so as that is what is needed right now. After that Bill, Jim and I will be trained for primarily Receiving and Lesle will do both.
This year amazon ambassadors (trainers-helpers-problem solvers) will stay with us for the first two weeks and answer questions as they arise before they send us off on our own. That is very good because we will all feel much more secure in knowing what we are doing.
Last night was our last short shift of five hours - hardening they call it. We chose to start our ten hour days tonight. We stayed up till midnight last night and unfortunately I woke up at 4:30 am and so I'll basically be up 24 hours before I go to bed tomorrow morning after getting off work at 3:30 am.
Come Nov 8th we will be working 11 hour shifts - so that's 44 hours a week. So figure this out with me: get up and take 1/2 hour to shower and get dressed, one hour to prepare and eat dinner at 3 pm, leave to work 1/2 hour early, work eleven hours, 1/2 to clock out and drive home, suppose to stay up an hour before going to bed when you work nights, sleep eight hours....ah, ah, ah, half hour plus an hour, plus.......that adds up to 24 hours and leaves us a hour and a half to enjoy your day before you go back to work! Oh, bother!!!
Our choice, our decision, good money and it's only for eight weeks! I guess we can do it.
Remember, you are loved.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Dearing, Kansas
Pretty nice looking.
Well, that it is for today. Remember, you are loved.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Got Our Work Schedule
So-o-o-o we have to start to work tomorrow night. That means we have to stay up as late as possible tonight and then take a nap tomorrow afternoon for a little while. The first couple of days we will only have to work half shifts to "harden" ourselves and then go to full shifts. We can tell them when we are ready to go to full shifts so we'll probably do that right away. We are only here for 8 weeks and need to maximize our revenue as much as possible.
We did get our XM satellite radio back to working. Found out the Belkin boombox has a faulty connector and will burn out the Roady XT receiver. The comments on different discussion forums talked about the exact problem we were having - receiver shows the display but no sound from the boombox. We tried to make our old Roady work in the new boombox we bought at Best Buy on Wednesday and although we got it to work in the store wen we bought it, we couldn't get it to work here in the rig. So we went to Walmart and bought a new receiver and used the same boombox and now all is well. I can listen to my 40s music again - happy day! Now we have to bring back the $160 boombox we bought.
When we go back to Joplin we'll stop in Baxter Springs and eat at one of the Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives recommended restaurants, Cafe on the Route; that's Route 66, folks. I remember that episode so that will be fun.
Well, the ribs are about ready to come off the grill and the satellite tv guy is still trying to get out DISH working - it's been three days of trial and error, poor guy, so I guess I'll say goodnight for now.
Remember you are loved!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
NuWa RV Plant - Chanute, Kansas
And yes, we fell in love with the Hitchhiker LS 32.5 FKSBG. The living room area is very open and with the two opposing slides measures 14 feet across from the window of the dinette to the back of the recliners on the other side. I couldn't find a way to copy the photo but here is the website address to look at it. It is a beauty!
The kitchen is on the side
With a pantry next to the entertainment/desk area
We will look for a 2008 or 2009 model, preferably used to get it into our price range. Maybe Arizona will have something in January.
It was only a 60 mile drive North to Chanute and easy. It started to rain on the way home and continued all night and into this morning. Everything is saturated as they have had a lot of rain already the last two months.
We had a pleasant surprise around 2 pm when Marie and Dave Dengate came by to visit us. We met the Dengates the summer of 2008 at the Colorado Boomerang in Buena Vista and traveled with them for about a month. They volunteer at the Great Sand Dunes National Park outside of Alamosa and so we saw them again this year when they came and camped in Big Meadows for a couple of days. We told them about and so they signed up and have been here in Coffeyville, Kansas, since mid-September. They haven't been very fond of the weather here in Kansas - too rainy and dreary - but will stick it out till the end. We may join them for Christmas in Queens Valley, Arizona, if we can't get back to Alamosa in time or because of the weather.
After a little visit the Dengates invited us and Bill and Lesle to come to their house for happy hour. Boy did Marie put out a spread of snacks! We all enjoyed ourselves and learned about the changes at this year.
Today is another rainy, dreary day - another Ho Hum day of knitting, washed clothes in town, napping and watching local tv - No Jim has not been able to connect the satellite; I've called the DISH guy to come to it....Jim is very frustrated about it, but it's been five days and the local channels are pretty *&^%$#@*.
Remember, you are loved.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Ho Hum Day
Bill and Lesle had us over for spaghetti dinner tonight using great sauce we bought at Trader Joe's in Albuquerque. We stayed and watched a little tv and then came home. We are trying to stay up later every night to get ourselves acclimated to being up all night and sleeping during the day. It is hard to stay up though.
Tomorrow we are going to Chanute to visit the NuWa plant and check out all the different Hitchhiker models....we like that brand.
Remember, you are loved.
Express Employment Professionals
Lesle and I subscribed to different local newspapers, drove around town to see what was new, opened, or closed. For those of you who worked here last year, like most small towns there wasn't much changed; pretty much the same. There is a new restaurant on the main drag called Phelps Hog Heaven.....barbeque, of course. Sunday we ate at The Stockade buffet which was pretty good - great salad bar.
There is a new super Walmart being built at the junction of Hwys 166 and 169 on the way to The building is finished and they are working on completing the inside now. Suppose to be opened after the first of the year.
We lazed around the rest of the evening. Jim spent hours trying to get the Dish satellite to bring in both 110 and 119 satellites to no avail. He got 110 set so we can watch the three main networks, but 119 eludes him. One of the workampers told me that most of the folks are having problems setting up their satellites this year......wonder why? Guess we'll have to call for a technician to come help us out.
No plans for today - do some more scouting around, go to the library, etc. We do want to drive to Chanute to tour the NuWa plant - they make Hitchhiker rvs - we want to look at all the different models.
Remember - you are loved!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Arrived in Coffeyville, Kansas
Well we made it OK on our drive from Hollister/Branson to Coffeyville, Kansas. Gratefully, it was another uneventful day - no mishaps or mechanical problems - those kind of day are great. The rolling hills of the Ozarks are really spectacular and although the trees were past their "peak" of colors they were still very colorful.
The only problem we are having is that our XM radio is not working. We use a boombox to use our XM and all of a sudden it stopped putting out sound. The XM is playing and you can see the channel you are on and it changes titles of music as it happens....we just can't HEAR anything.
We'll have to take a trip back to Joplin and bring it to a Best Buy and see if we can figure out what's wrong. I cleaned the connection posts with alcohol and reseated the unit but still no sound. I'm bummed because I really enjoy listening to 40s music and Seriously Sinatra!
Here are two more photos of the fall colored trees as we drove through some small town outside of Joplin.
It was cold and damp, humid when we arrived. That morning it had been 32 degrees and there was frost on the truck windows. Going to be an early and hard winter I fear.
Today we go to Independence to do all the paperwork for our job at amazon. We should start next week, so that gives us the rest of this week to check things out and get ready. I bought some Easy Spirit Anti-Gravity shoes in Branson. They were recommended by my friend Carolyn because they have a really large sole, weigh next to nothing, and are very comfortable. Next we'll get some Dr. Scholl's Back Ache inserts and bring out the heavy soled socks to cushion our steps.
We asked to both be put in Receiving so we'll see if we get what we want and requested. Hopefully being returning employees we can have a little pull.
Remember, you are loved!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Clanton's Cafe
We traveled from Norman towards Branson/Hollister, Missouri, to stay at the Escapees RV Park for a couple of days of relaxation before going to work at in Coffeyville, Kansas.
Thursday as we drove to Vinita and saw the "former" largest McDonald's in America. It was a large arch over the highway but inside I understand there is a regular size McDonald's and the rest of the building is other shops and stores. The current largest McDonald's is in Orlando and is built to look like a large bag of fries.
Two of us shared a luncheon portion of Chicken Fried Steak and an appetizer of Calf Fries. They are "An Oklahoma delicacy, known as the 'cattleman's hors d'oeuvre,' served fried, boiled, battered, grilled, and seasoned." Both were very good. We got one of the owners to sign a take-out menu as a souvenir. We actually got Lesle and Bill to try the Calf Fries...and they ate quite a few of them :) These were cut smaller and were much more tender than Rocky Mounain Oysters, which Jim and I really like a lot.
We were getting tired and decided not to try to go all the way to Branson and another customer at Clanton's told us to stay at Downstream Casino at Exit 1 in Missouri. So we did just that. Downstream Casino had a separate rv area with electricity and water and you can stay for three days FOR FREE.
After a restful night we drove on to Branson/Hollister and are staying at the Escapee rv park for two days to rest up a bit. Then we go to Coffeyville on Sunday where we start working at amazon the week of Oct 25. Don't know what shift we will have but know it will be nights. We managed to get reservations at a FHU commercial rv park in town, so no more being woke up by the "honey wagon" three days a week.
I'm not a big fan of Branson but Lesle REALLY wanted to see it, so we came. We went to an Easy Spirit store and bought Anti-Gravity shoes to wear at Then we took a tour of downtown Branson. I'll have to ask her tomorrow what she thought of it. We saw that Rib Crib was having a "two meat all-you-can-eat dinner for $10.99", so no need to ask me twice-----ribs and pulled pork it was!
Tomorrow we just rest!!!! I want to sit and knit our daughter Beth's Christmas gift. We all finished our summer jobs, attended the Colorado Chapter Rally, drove immediately to Albuquerque and "worked" every day crewing for a balloonist, then drove six plus hours everyday for four days......we need a rest!!!
Remember, you are loved!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Norman, Oklahoma
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Amarillo, Texas
We are going to dinner with our Big Meadows camphosts from this summer, Rudene and Wales. We care going to the Cattle Call Barbeque Restaurant. From the reviews on line it should be good vittles!
Had to put in this photo of what the guy next to us at the balloon fiesta put out in front of his rig to fake out every one. Isn't that funny? The wood pole sits in sand in the can. He had the "electrical cord" going between the tires....makes everyone think he had "full hookups" while everyone else was boondocking. Hysterical!!! Looks like something our handy friend Joe could make up....matches his sense of humor also.
Well, we are off to dinner.....tomorrow we aim towards Oklahoma City/Norman area.
Remember you are loved.
Monday, October 12, 2009
I Go Up in a Balloon!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dinner with the Kids
We bid goodbye to Bill and Lesle and Jim and I picked up the dogs and headed to Santa Fe to have dinner with the girls and grands. Beth is going to move next door to her sister, Christine so I stopped and bought
Add to this that we were celebrating our granddaughter, Alyssa's, birthday and it made for a very full day. Here she is blowing out the candles on her birthday cheesecake.
We so enjoyed being with our family again, told old stories of "remember when you........." and laughed till our sides hurt. After a few hours we all left as Beth had to go to work-she works nights in a battered women's shelter-and Jim and I need to get back and to bed because 4:30 AM comes very early in the morning.
Remember, you are loved!
P.S. I told Jim when I die and they are trying to find photos of me for the memory board they will have to put up photos like this and say "Bobbie was behind the camera on this one, and this one and she really attended this function, but she was behind the camera on this one too."!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Bill's First Ride-Flight of the Nations

Yesterday was another Texas Hold 'Em run so we left the launch field after pilots briefing and drove to a neighborhood nearby to launch. This area were full of beautiful custom made homes and there was one vacant lot. The owner mows down the weeds every year at this time for balloonists could use it to launch....and launch they did. There were 5-6 of us inflating envelopes one right after the other.
All the neighbors came out to watch as they said they had had one balloon a year use the field, but never 5 or 6 use it. It was getting late in the morning so everyone was inflating at the same time trying to get up quick.
Stan and Bill actually "scored" pretty good on the Texas Hold 'Em, landing their targets on a Jack and a Nine, scooting two feet off the ground.
The field behind the rv rigs were we are parked is affectionately called "crash and burn field" or Smash City because you come in fast and land hard. Whoever is around runs after your basket to hold you down while you deflate the envelope.
Our friend, Marty Cassidy, didn't join a chase crew but he sure got a work out running after balloons as they landed near the rigs. Here he actually got to help Bill and Stan land.
Everywhere you drive in town in the early morning you can see balloons all around...easy for drivers to get distracted.
After we bagged Stan's balloon we all went back to the fiesta grounds to party. One of the other crews invited us over and we had champagne and posole for breakfast at 9 am. But oh, was it good.
While we ate here comes a cute custom made vehicle that replicates a balloon basket in the back for a bunch of folks to ride in.
This is the biggest balloon event in the world with upwards of 700 to 800 balloons registered some years. This year there are 550 or so. Many foreign nations are represented here from 18 nations like Poland, Croatia, Brazil, South America, France, Latvia, Germany, etc. So last night Stan gave us all free tickets to the "Flight of Nations" dinner at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort ---- very exclusive place. Got this shot from their website. Here is a shot I DID take on the way out there - came out pretty good I think.
You walked in this hotel and there were signs leading you to "transportation to the Flight of Nations dinner". You walked through the place, down to a patio and there are buses waiting to take you to dinner...which turned out to be in a huge, huge white tent back in the property. Oh, my, we were impressed. They had American Indian Aztec dancers performing. This dinner was for all the teams from foreign nations so us USA folks were in the minority. As each nation's table was introduced they all rose and shouted and raised their arms....great fun!
We had a wonderful dinner dinner of cold perfectly cook salmon, chicken with a great sauce and a pork loin in a red chile sauce that was unbelievable! Dessert was a great flan with fresh fruit. There was a open bar with beer, wine and margaritas. They served Barefoot brand Cabernet sauvignon that I really liked. Gonna have to get some of that for special occasions. The band was "Undiscovered" and they played 70s music...real good, but real loud!!! Stan and Lesle "cut a pretty good rug" on the floor.
We got home about 9:30 pm and were dead tired. All those photos that everyone thinks are night shots....oh, no, my friends they are EARLY MORNING shots. Balloons only fly in the early morning when the winds are calm. We are getting up at 4:30 AM and on the field by 5:45 or 6:15. Yes, all those shots of early burns to warm the inside air of the balloons are taken before the sun rises....usually of the Dawn Patrol that goes up to test the way the winds are blowing. So we take naps after the morning champagne breakfast so we are ready to go again in the evening.
Remember you are loved!
Monday, October 5, 2009
First Day of Balloon Fiesta
Can you believe that banner shot??? Yes, it is pretty unbelievable and indescribable, too. I'm going to quote our Escapee friend, Marty Cassidy, in his blog posting because I couldn't write it any better.
These are some of the unique shapes of balloons we saw on the first day. That Creamland cow is HUGE. The Witch landed right behind the Boomer rvs. Here are some additional photos I took.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Balloon Fiesta-School Day
It was the maiden voyage for one of the balloons - pretty special. The scenes from the inside when the builder and owner walked around inside was awesome.
Isn't it a pretty balloon!!! It belongs to Daniel Liberti, the youngest son of Mike and T Liberti. Their oldest son, Chris, also has a balloon, so it is a threesome family and they all like to balloon together...really special family.
Lesle got to go on a ride with Mike, the father, in his balloon "Morning Star"
I also got a short ride, but after I got in we only traveled about 200 feet and the wind shifted and the pilot said "that's all the flying for today" and we descended and deflated on the road.
Remember, you are loved!