Monday, January 31, 2011

Nose piercing

A lot of you know I had my right nostril pierced on my 60th birthday….some 8 years ago. It was done with a ear piercing like “gun” and didn’t hurt at all.

Last summer I lost my last nose ring and since we were in the mountains 65 miles from a Walmart, I just let it go. The hole closed up.

Through the following years I wished I had had my left nostril pierced as I thought it prettier. Last winter in Arizona Linda Mossman came with me get my left nostril pierced. This time they did it “free hand” with a needle.  Oh, my, I screamed like a banshee!  They used a straight post that kept pushing out with the swelling.  After about two weeks of fussing with a slight infection I just took out the post and left it out.  The hole closed up.

Linda knew I still wanted a nose piercing and we kept looking for a good place to do it. Last Thursday after doing laundry, eating lunch at Subway and getting my haircut at Fantastic Sam's, it was time. I had asked my hairstylist if there was a good place to get a piercing and she recommended Dixie Devil, just down the street.  So with the support of Linda Mossman and Terri Deacon I decided to do it.  Here are the photos Linda took.

NoseRing (2)
Low on the sign “dismemberment our specialty”
NoseRing (3)
Marking the spot to be pierced
NoseRing (5)
The piercing table
NoseRing (4)
Doing the deed
NoseRing (7)
A little Kleenex to stop the slight bleeding
NoseRing (1)
“You did real good” pat on the back.

I laughed when I saw the OB/GYN looking table.  Ken said he had stirrups too. “Yes, I pierce from the rooter to the tooter”…pretty funny.

When I mentioned my nose piercing on Facebook I got two funny comments.  First was from our daughter, Beth, who said “You need that like you need another hole in your head.....wait a minute...”.  Then a friend told me “You are gonna start spraying when you sneeze!”  Aren’t those funny?

I have a simple corkscrew, silver ball style nose ring that has to stay in for 6-8 weeks before changing. It looks good now; no swelling, no pain, and I am really happy with it.

Remember, you are loved.

1 comment:

  1. Not many ladies your age would go for a nose piercing. You're just so "with it."


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