Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Quartzsite III

Saturday night when we returned from a presentation of funny signs at “Pace Theater” (sit outside a rig and project a slide show on the side of their rig), look what we found at home…..this is Poncho’s way of telling us “you’ve left me alone for too long”.


Sunday morning we finally made a connection with Carolyn and Roy and had a great two hour visit.  It’s been since the spring of 2011 since we saw them and it sure was good to catch up on our individual lives.  We first met them when we all worked at amazon.com in Coffeyville, Kansas.  They also gate guard in the Whitsett, Texas, area as we have, so we have a lot in common and much to talk about.  Carolyn HATES to have her photo taken, so I felt honored that she allowed me this shot.


Afterwards we went for a visit to the Big Tent since it was the last day.  Sure was a different view from opening day…measured difference in attendance today.

Entrance wide open
Inside Big Tent easy walk
Side vendors pretty empty

One place that always has a line, including this time, the ice cream stand.


While walking around inside, look at the gathering we found….Molly and Bob Pinner at the Escapees RV Club booth talking with our buddy, Marty. We are all Class of 2007, “graduating” from life of work to retirement in 2007.


When we got home Jim barbecued some mighty tasty chicken thighs…thank you, Jim.


We had a full day with lots of activities…the way we like it.

Remember, you are loved.


  1. Love these pictures and tell my sweet Poncho to come visit Maggie! Miss him this winter. Enjoy! Ann

    1. miss seeing Maggie this winter too...but we will have this summer

  2. We will see ya again in a few weeks, when we start heading back to Texas,,,,will Tex you when we are on I10 heading your way! The Trout's

  3. Ok,,,think I may have solved the problem,,,,,,we will be in touch via tex message when we are heading east on I10!!!! We will get to see you again! YEA


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