Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mardi Gras

Who says old people don't know how to have fun??? Yesterday we had the beginning of the park's Mardi Gras celebration which goes for five days. The whole night was hilarious and fun.

Friday night we had spaghetti dinner and chocolate cup cakes for dessert, instead of the traditional "King's Cake". There were two plastic babies inserted in two of the cup cakes. This determined the King and Queen. Here are the corp of trumpets announcing the arrival of the King and Queen.

After retiring to change into their royal garb, here the King and Queen are being inducted by the Court Jester.
The band was called North Wind and the drums and bass are made of five gallon buckets - very inventive.

One of the men in the band also makes beautiful binjos and mandalins from large cookie tins. Aren't they something?

The best part of the night were the skits. Oh, my the skit writers were very creative. The theme for this year was 1950 sit-coms. The theme music for each sitcom would start and the actors would lipsink the words or perform a short skit from the show. So this is what we saw.
Singing along are Edith and Archie Bunker.
The Golden Girls were also there with a funny ditty!

Green Acres folk - Oliver and Lisa Douglas - singing the theme song.

This lady danced around the stage to the music of Mr. Ed. Fun-n-n-ny!

Here's Dot dressed up like a Moon Pie - now what is that connection to Mardi Gras? Don't know, but I sure do like Moon Pies with an RC Cola, of course! Anyone else use to enjoy that delicious snack eaten in the south?
Lesle and I got recruited to help out on one of the skits. It was for Lucy and Ethel and the Candy Factory bit with the chocolates running along a conveyor belt faster than they could handle. Well, here is Lesle and I being the conveyor belts - that's a roll of toilet paper Lesle is pulling across the table with me putting candy kisses on the "conveyor belt". Then we threw the kisses into the audience. So much fun!

The band played and we all started throwing Mardi Gras beads into the crowd, danced around the hall in a congo line, laughed, giggled, and had a marvelous time.
We all had a wonderful time and everyone were very energenic, lively and happy. What a great evening!!!!


  1. Bobbie, I always love catching up on your blog. You have fun EVERYWHERE you go, and it is because you are so much fun yourself. I'm so glad you started blogging!

    Hugs and safe travels,
    Laurie (and Odel, now in Memphis) (and Luna, now asleep)

  2. What a fun Mardi Gra celebration! Thought for sure the two of you would have been King and Queen. :)
    Are you still headed for Texas in March? Where will you be in April? We'll be in Yuma area in March and eastern AZ early April and then headed to the midwest. Wonder if our paths will meet?? are loved, too! C&J


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