Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pull Pork and Abba Fab Concert

With us leaving for Colorado this coming Friday, we have some social activities we want to have.  One was having some of the condo complex over for a barbecue. 


We weren’t sure how many people would show up so we planned for 20 to be sure…we actually had 13…Jim had the ten pound pork butt on the grill at 6 a.m.


It came out a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!! Jim’s best yet!!!


The burnt ends were so tasty.  After a little pulling we had a huge pile of pulled pork keeping warm in the slow cooker.

DSCN5513          DSCN5516

At 1 p.m. everyone came over with side dishes and we had a fun time together

Pull Pork and Abba Fab

We had about a hour to clean up and rest and then it was off to the Sun Bowl for another Sunday outdoor concert.  These are all “tribute” Sunday night it was Abba Fab.  It was by far the best concert yet this season.  This band was so professional and sounded so close to the music of Abba, it was amazing.

AbbaFab (1)

There had to have been 150 people dancing in front of the band stand…..out of about 5 to 6,000 people in the audience.  Attendance was down because so many snowbirds have already left town.

AbbaFab (2)

We had a wonderful, fun filled evening under the stars. It was great seeing all the gray-haired older folk clapping in time to the music, swaying and singing along.  We had a great time.

AbbaFab (3)

Remember, you are loved.


  1. Wonderful Sunday! Safe travels to Colorado and will be in touch! Ann

  2. Glad to see you are enjoying yourselves to the last min!!! We are in Albq spending money on MH,,,,then SD bound!!!

  3. Yep that pulled pork looks really good. Safe travels.
    Wayne & Rhonda


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