Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Salida Fiber Festival

Saturday five of us knitters traveled two hours North to Salida, Colorado, to attend this fiber extravaganza!!! The trip itself was beautiful.

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Walking to the festival park we came across this pretty mural.


There were so many booths I wasn’t sure we would see it all….but I think we did.  The colors of all the yarn were mind blowing.

There were about 50 booths
Here’s a guy weaving on a loom
This booth took most of my money
Salai making her choices

There was an artist there who made soft sculptured animals all from yarn.  Look at these amazing creations.

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One booth was even selling angora bunny rabbits.  Folks comb their fur, spin it and then knit the yarn into a garment….so soft.DSCN4227

We went to a Cambodian restaurant for lunch…so good.


All in all it was a wonderful day.  Great friends, yarn, yummy lunch and all in a beautiful setting. Good day.

Remember, you are loved.


  1. Oh no! Not a fiber festival that I had to miss! Rats! I'm hapy that you had a great time though.

  2. That looked like so much fun. I'd spend way too much money at a fiber fair.


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