Thursday, December 20, 2012

We’re Getting Fed

Got to this new gate Sunday and today they started fracking. Happened quickly.  Yippeee… addition to a LOT more traffic they start catering the crew when they frack.  So for lunch we were delivered two huge rib eye steaks with whipped potatoes and a nice salad.


I made some chili for dinner but gave the leftovers to one of the truck drivers who had gone to the closest gas station/convenience store but they were closed and he couldn’t get anything to eat.  He was happy to have the chili.  I bake a lot of banana bread as I can’t seem to eat the bananas fast enough and end up every week with 2-3 really ripe ones.  I like to pass out slices of banana bread to unsuspecting truck drivers. 

Then about an hour ago here comes yet another catering truck into the gate.  What, what, two catered meals in one day????? Yup, tonight’s midnight meal will be pot roast.  Oh, yes, they will leave me two dinners when they leave.  Jim won’t have to cook for himself for a while. 

Yesterday we had the air conditioning on all day because it was muggy and warm.  Today we had the cold front coming through with lower temps, so we put up the awning and poor Jim fought 25-30 MPH winds all morning. The hips begin to hurt after 50 trips up and down the rig steps so we just bundled up and sat outside to check folks in and out.


In between drivers I sit and read on my Kindle,


but with the caliche dust whirling by I put my Kindle in a plastic bag and read through the plastic. That caliche dust is so fine and gets into everything. No, I don’t leave the Kindle in the plastic bag for long, only for the time I’m outside.

It’s 11:15 p.m. now and the temp is 39*, but is expected to go down to 28* later on.  I’m sitting here inside with sweat pants and shirt, a jacket and a wool cap on my head in preparation of having to go outside about every 20 minutes throughout the night till 3:00 a.m. when Jim and I switch shifts.  Then the next couple of days the temps are suppose to go back up to the 80’s.  Crazy weather for sure!

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying HERE




  1. It sounds like it won't take you long to do #26 Acts of kindness. Hope you have a nice Christmas.


  2. Merry Christmas to both of you!Looks like life is treating you well; love hearing about your days there! Hugs and hope to see you somewhere this year!


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