Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Season on the Ranch

One of the ranch owners put up a tree at the first gate of the ranch.  The gate guard there decorated it with 500 red balls and many strings of lights. It’s a beautiful sight at night.


It is a welcoming sight for all the truck drivers,  as we get closer to Christmas it becomes even more meaningful to the drivers as they approach the ranch. 

We get a number of sales people visiting the drilling rig.  They are a generous bunch and have been supplying us with pound cans of coffee as CIMG1200thanks for giving them directions. It certainly is not expected, but is appreciated.  It’s been mostly Folgers, but the other day a sales person stopped and gave us this gourmet coffee called Texas Thunder.  It was wonderfully bold with a delightful taste.

All the ranch owners are really, really nice and we so enjoy being on this ranch….it’s like staying with friends.

Remember, you are loved.
Read the story behind the saying HERE


  1. butterbean carpenterDecember 15, 2012 at 7:52 AM

    Howdy B&J,

    I wonder where the Texas Thunder coffee came from; we'd like to try some!!!

    Remember U R 2, also!!!

  2. Ditto on the coffee!We lived in TX 15 years and didn't see it. Jean Watson gave us your e-mail but it failed. Said it wasn't yahoo. Hope you will e-mail us at Theresa Colomb


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