Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Meadows Hailstorm

 Friday we drove campers Lesa and Terry up to Big Meadows to see the reconstruction progress, and to determine which site they want to reserve next summer.  It had started to sprinkle when we left Park Creek Campground, and progressively rained harder....and harder...and harder!!! Then it turned into hail stones!  It made such a racked on the cloth cover that they couldn't hear me in the back seat.

In a very short time the road was covered in white; soon after that the whole mountain side was white.  The first photo Terry took with his cell phone out the back window....can you believe it????  That's hail stones covering the ground.
This next photo Terry took from the back seat looking out the windshield. Everything was white!

We drove out of there in short order.  Then half way down the road to Hwy 160 the hail stopped and all we had was a little sprinkle of rain again.  Strange, Folks, just plain strange!!!

We only had about five campers Friday night so I invited everyone over for a campfire at our place.  I made up a batch of chocolate chip cookies to pass around....big success.
I did take a few night scene photos but they didn't come out very well....need a tripod.  But the photo of Terry and Lesa came out nice, so here they are.

See you next summer Terry and Lesa, back in your old slot at Big Meadows.

Remember, you are loved.


  1. Crazy weather there in the mountains. I remember when the kids were little, we would leave on vacation and they could not understand why we were bringing their winter coats. They finally got the drift when we went to the top of one of the mountains on a gondola ride. They were very happy we had brought their coats and never complained again.

  2. Awesome looking cookies! Wish I had been there to eat them and meet y'all! Hail in the mountains can be very unpredictable! Hope none of it hit your noggin!


  4. Those cookies look yummy! Crazy weather up there.

    Nominated you for the Liebster Award. Stop by and check it out.

  5. Nathanael and friend enjoyed the leftover cookies. Thanks for the great hospitality!!!
    We hiked to the treeline of the Spanish Peaks. It was great. We just wondered if you confess your wayward carnivore ways after those little indulgences???? Also, how come some of your campers get a personalized, one-on-one, tour of the new Big Meadows to pick out sites for next year when others are told not to go?????????????????????????? It sounds like God through His weather did not like that either!! Ha Ha!

  6. Ah, "anonymous" I know this is Landi!!!!! I already know which site you should "want"! Thanks for the cute comment.

  7. butterbean carpenterSeptember 3, 2012 at 2:18 PM

    Howdy B&J,

    Oh, the land turned white and cold that night
    Up in Colorado
    The hail came down and made such a sound
    Up in Colorado
    It beat things up and scared the pup
    Up in Colorado
    Now we know how the cold winds blow
    Up in Colorado


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